Reserved Topics

SAP Integration Suite, advanced event mesh uses a number of reserved topics to implement some specific messaging features. Each of these topic subscriptions begin with the # character, which is then followed by a specific, reserved sequence of characters. Some special topics use a reserved string only for the first hierarchical level of the topic subscription; others may reserve more than one level.

SAP reserves topics starting with # or _ for its own purposes. Topics defined by applications should not start with # or _, otherwise they run the risk of colliding with special topics defined in the future.

Topic Subscription Published Topics That Match the Subscription Description








Used by the event broker to publish events to the message bus.

Published by: event broker

Subscribed to by: management client applications




Indicates that this subscription is not to be advertised (exported) by the local node (through DMR) to other nodes in the network.

Published by: client applications

Subscribed to by: client applications



Used for Direct messaging request/reply. The name space is controlled by the client API, but the event broker sets the prefix.

Published by: client applications

Subscribed to by: client API



Used for subscriptions that allow clients to publish messages to and/or consume messages from the specified durable queues.

Published by: client applications

Subscribed to by: client applications



Used for subscriptions that allow clients to publish messages to and/or consume messages from the specified non-durable queues. The client App/Mgmt controls the name space, but the event broker sets the prefix.

Published by: client applications

Subscribed to by: client applications



Used for temporary topics. The name space is controlled by the client API, but the event broker sets the prefix.

Published by: client applications

Subscribed to by: client applications



Used for subscriptions created when a virtual router is discovered to attract #P2P traffic for the event broker. This subscription is not visible in CLI.

Published by: client applications

Subscribed to by: event broker



Used for subscriptions always created when a physical event broker is discovered to attract #P2P traffic for the event broker. This subscription is not visible in CLI.

Published by: client applications

Subscribed to by: event broker





Used to direct SEMP commands to a physical event broker name.

Published by: client applications

Subscribed to by: event broker





Used to direct SEMP commands to a virtual router name. The subscription is present only when a given event broker is active for the virtual router name.

Published by: client applications

Subscribed to by: event broker



Used for a Direct messaging feature to load balance data among clients.

See Shared Subscriptions for more information.

A shared subscription has the form: #share/ShareName/topicFilter, where ShareName is the shared subscription identifier, and topicFilter is the topic filter.

Published by: client applications

Subscribed to by: client applications



Used to check inter-broker connectivity by advanced event mesh.

Published by: Insights client

Subscribed to by: Insights client