Single Sign-On for Insights Datadog Accounts

Single Sign-On for the Datadog account included in a Insights subscription is a Controlled Availability feature. Contact SAP to see if this feature is suitable for your use case and deployment requirements.

If you have a Insights subscription, you can configure single sign-on (SSO) for the Datadog account that is included with Insights. SSO provides users who have access to the Datadog account with permissions that are mapped to existing Insights user roles. SAP offers this feature as controlled availability.

When configuring SSO for the Datadog account included with your Insights subscription, you must be aware of the following:

  • You require an existing account with a SAML Identity Provider (IdP).

  • The person you select as the as the SAML manager is responsible for configuring SSO for the Datadog account included with Insights.

  • User permissions must be mapped only to the Insights Advanced Viewer and Insights Advanced Editor roles.

  • You are responsible for managing the expiry of your SAML metadata file and must request that SAP update the file at least one month before its expiry date.